Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

exosuit fabricator


authorization_overrideControls whether or not the more dangerous designs have been unlocked by a head's id manually, rather than alert level unlocks
being_builtThe current design datum that the machine is building.
build_finishWorld time when the build will finish.
build_materialsReference to all materials used in the creation of the item being_built.
build_startWorld time when the build started.
component_coeffCoefficient for the efficiency of material usage in item building. Based on the installed parts.
hackedWhether the access is hacked or not
id_cardID card of the person using the machine for the purpose of tracking access
link_on_initWhether the Exofab links to the ore silo on init. Special derelict or maintanance variants should set this to FALSE.
part_setsA list of categories that valid MECHFAB design datums will broadly categorise themselves under.
process_queueWhether or not the machine is building the entire queue automagically.
queueCurrent items in the build queue.
rmatReference to a remote material inventory, such as an ore silo.
seconds_electrifiedWorld ticks the machine is electified for
stored_partPart currently stored in the Exofab.
stored_researchReference to the techweb.
time_coeffCoefficient for the speed of item building. Based on the installed parts.


_try_interactAll the negative wire effects Break wire breaks one limb (Because pain is to be had)
add_part_set_to_queueAdds a list of datum designs to the build queue.
add_to_queueAdds a datum design to the build queue.
build_next_in_queueAttempts to build the next item in the build queue.
build_partStarts the build process for a given design datum.
check_resourcesChecks if the Exofab has enough resources to print a given item.
combat_parts_allowedUpdates the various authorization checks used to determine if combat parts are available to the current user
dispense_built_partDispenses a part to the tile infront of the Exosuit Fab.
eject_sheetsEject material sheets.
get_construction_time_w_coeffCalculates the coefficient-modified build time of a design.
get_resource_cost_w_coeffCalculates the coefficient-modified resource cost of a single material component of a design's recipe.
get_resources_w_coeffCalculates resource/material costs for printing an item based on the machine's resource coefficient.
head_or_siliconmade as a lazy check to allow silicons full access always
list_queueGenerates a list of parts formatted for tgui based on the current build queue.
on_finish_printingIntended to be called when the exofab has stopped working and is no longer printing items.
on_start_printingIntended to be called when an item starts printing.
output_available_resourcesGenerates a list of resources / materials available to this Exosuit Fab
output_part_infoGenerates an info list for a given part.
remove_from_queueRemoves datum design from the build queue based on index.
resetPicks limb to break. People with less limbs have a chance of it grapping at air
shockShock the passed in user

Var Details


Controls whether or not the more dangerous designs have been unlocked by a head's id manually, rather than alert level unlocks


The current design datum that the machine is building.


World time when the build will finish.


Reference to all materials used in the creation of the item being_built.


World time when the build started.


Coefficient for the efficiency of material usage in item building. Based on the installed parts.


Whether the access is hacked or not


ID card of the person using the machine for the purpose of tracking access

Whether the Exofab links to the ore silo on init. Special derelict or maintanance variants should set this to FALSE.


A list of categories that valid MECHFAB design datums will broadly categorise themselves under.


Whether or not the machine is building the entire queue automagically.


Current items in the build queue.


Reference to a remote material inventory, such as an ore silo.


World ticks the machine is electified for


Part currently stored in the Exofab.


Reference to the techweb.


Coefficient for the speed of item building. Based on the installed parts.

Proc Details


All the negative wire effects Break wire breaks one limb (Because pain is to be had)


Adds a list of datum designs to the build queue.

Will only add designs that are in this machine's stored techweb. Does final checks for datum IDs and makes sure this machine can build the designs.


Adds a datum design to the build queue.

Returns TRUE if successful and FALSE if the design was not added to the queue.


Attempts to build the next item in the build queue.

Returns FALSE if either there are no more parts to build or the next part is not buildable. Returns TRUE if the next part has started building.


Starts the build process for a given design datum.

Returns FALSE if the procedure fails. Returns TRUE when being_built is set. Uses materials.


Checks if the Exofab has enough resources to print a given item.

Returns FALSE if the design has no reagents used in its construction (?) or if there are insufficient resources. Returns TRUE if there are sufficient resources to print the item.


Updates the various authorization checks used to determine if combat parts are available to the current user


Dispenses a part to the tile infront of the Exosuit Fab.

Returns FALSE is the machine cannot dispense the part on the appropriate turf. Return TRUE if the part was successfully dispensed.


Eject material sheets.

Returns the number of sheets successfully ejected. eject_sheet - Byond REF of the material to eject. eject_amt - Number of sheets to attempt to eject.


Calculates the coefficient-modified build time of a design.

Returns coefficient-modified build time of a given design.


Calculates the coefficient-modified resource cost of a single material component of a design's recipe.

Returns coefficient-modified resource cost for the given material component.


Calculates resource/material costs for printing an item based on the machine's resource coefficient.

Returns a list of k,v resources with their amounts.


made as a lazy check to allow silicons full access always


Generates a list of parts formatted for tgui based on the current build queue.

Returns a formatted list of lists containing formatted part information for every part in the build queue.


Intended to be called when the exofab has stopped working and is no longer printing items.

Removes the overlay to show the fab working and sets idle power usage settings. Additionally resets the description and turns off queue processing.


Intended to be called when an item starts printing.

Adds the overlay to show the fab working and sets active power usage settings.


Generates a list of resources / materials available to this Exosuit Fab

Returns null if there is no material container available. List format is list(material_name = list(amount = ..., ref = ..., etc.))


Generates an info list for a given part.

Returns a list of part information.


Removes datum design from the build queue based on index.

Returns TRUE if successful and FALSE if a design was not removed from the queue.


Picks limb to break. People with less limbs have a chance of it grapping at air


Shock the passed in user

This checks we have power and that the passed in prob is passed, then generates some sparks and calls electrocute_mob on the user
