Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details

conveyor belt


backwardsThe opposite of forwards. It's set in a special var for corner belts, which aren't using the opposite direction when in reverse.
conveytimeThe time it takes for the converyor to move stuff. Default 1, Lower is faster.
forwardsThis is the default (forward) direction, set by the map dir.
idThe control ID - must match at least one conveyor switch's ID to be useful.
invertedInverts the direction the conveyor belt moves when true.
movedirThe actual direction to move stuff in.
operatingThe current state of the switch.
speed_processAre we currently conveying items?

Var Details


The opposite of forwards. It's set in a special var for corner belts, which aren't using the opposite direction when in reverse.


The time it takes for the converyor to move stuff. Default 1, Lower is faster.


This is the default (forward) direction, set by the map dir.


The control ID - must match at least one conveyor switch's ID to be useful.


Inverts the direction the conveyor belt moves when true.


The actual direction to move stuff in.


The current state of the switch.


Are we currently conveying items?