Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

modular microcomputer


active_programA currently active program running on the computer.
all_componentsList of "connection ports" in this computer and the components with which they are plugged
base_active_power_usagePower usage when the computer is open (screen is active) and can be interacted with. Remember hardware can use power too.
base_idle_power_usagePower usage when the computer is idle and screen is off (currently only applies to laptops)
comp_light_colorThe color of that light
comp_light_luminosityThe brightness of that light
device_themeSets the theme for the main menu, hardware config, and file browser apps. Overridden by certain non-NT devices.
enabledWhether the computer is turned on.
expansion_baysLazy List of extra hardware slots that can be used modularly.
has_lightIf the computer has a flashlight/LED light/what-have-you installed
icon_state_menuIcon state overlay when the computer is turned on, but no program is loaded that would override the screen.
icon_state_poweredIcon state when the computer is turned on.
icon_state_screensaverIcon state overlay when the computer is turned off, but not out of power.
icon_state_unpoweredIcon state when the computer is turned off.
id_renameIf we should update the name of the computer with the name and job of the stored ID.
idle_threadsIdle programs on background. They still receive process calls but can't be interacted with.
inserted_paiA pAI currently loaded into the modular computer.
max_baysNumber of total expansion bays this computer has available.
max_hardware_sizeMaximal hardware w_class. Tablets/PDAs have 1, laptops 2, consoles 4.
overlay_skinWhat set of icons should be used for program overlays. curently unused
physicalObject that represents our computer. It's used for Adjacent() and UI visibility checks.
screen_onWhether the computer is active/opened/it's screen is on.
steel_sheet_costAmount of steel sheets refunded when disassembling an empty frame of this computer.


alert_callDisplays notification text alongside a soundbeep when requested to by a program.
find_hardware_by_nameChecks all hardware pieces to determine if name matches, if yes, returns the hardware piece, otherwise returns null
forget_componentThis isn't the "uninstall fully" proc, it just makes the computer lose all its references to the component
install_componentInstalls component.
play_computer_soundPlays a sound through the computer's speakers.
play_pingPlays a ping sound.
set_flashlight_colorSets the computer's light color, if it has a light.
toggle_flashlightToggles the computer's flashlight, if it has one.
uninstall_componentUninstalls component.

Var Details


A currently active program running on the computer.


List of "connection ports" in this computer and the components with which they are plugged


Power usage when the computer is open (screen is active) and can be interacted with. Remember hardware can use power too.


Power usage when the computer is idle and screen is off (currently only applies to laptops)


The color of that light


The brightness of that light


Sets the theme for the main menu, hardware config, and file browser apps. Overridden by certain non-NT devices.


Whether the computer is turned on.


Lazy List of extra hardware slots that can be used modularly.


If the computer has a flashlight/LED light/what-have-you installed


Icon state overlay when the computer is turned on, but no program is loaded that would override the screen.


Icon state when the computer is turned on.


Icon state overlay when the computer is turned off, but not out of power.


Icon state when the computer is turned off.


If we should update the name of the computer with the name and job of the stored ID.


Idle programs on background. They still receive process calls but can't be interacted with.


A pAI currently loaded into the modular computer.


Number of total expansion bays this computer has available.


Maximal hardware w_class. Tablets/PDAs have 1, laptops 2, consoles 4.


What set of icons should be used for program overlays. curently unused


Object that represents our computer. It's used for Adjacent() and UI visibility checks.


Whether the computer is active/opened/it's screen is on.


Amount of steel sheets refunded when disassembling an empty frame of this computer.

Proc Details


Displays notification text alongside a soundbeep when requested to by a program.

After checking tha the requesting program is allowed to send an alert, creates a visible message of the requested text alongside a soundbeep. This proc adds text to indicate that the message is coming from this device and the program on it, so the supplied text should be the exact message and ending punctuation.

Arguments: The program calling this proc. The message that the program wishes to display.


Checks all hardware pieces to determine if name matches, if yes, returns the hardware piece, otherwise returns null


This isn't the "uninstall fully" proc, it just makes the computer lose all its references to the component


Installs component.


Plays a sound through the computer's speakers.


Plays a ping sound.

Timers runtime if you try to make them call playsound. Yep.


Sets the computer's light color, if it has a light.

Called from ui_act(), this proc takes a color string and applies it. It is seperated from ui_act() to be overwritten as needed. Arguments:


Toggles the computer's flashlight, if it has one.

Called from ui_act(), does as the name implies. It is seperated from ui_act() to be overwritten as needed.


Uninstalls component.