mecha melee weapon
Vars | |
attack_sharpness | If it's sharp or not |
attack_sound | Attack sound for the weapon |
attack_speed_modifier | Attack speed modifier for a weapon. Big weapons will have a longer delay between attacks, while smaller ones will be faster |
base_armor_piercing | Base armor piercing value of the weapon. This value is doubled for precise attacks |
can_stab_turfs | Weapons that can hit turfs, default to false because it'll be special effects maybe some time |
cleave | If the weapon has an AOE attack |
cleave_effect | Effect of the cleave attack |
dam_type | Damage type for the weapon |
deflect_bonus | Bonus deflection chance for using a melee weapon capable of blocking attacks |
extended_range | If we have a longer range weapon, such as a spear or whatever capable of hitting people further away, this is how much extra range it has |
fauna_damage_bonus | Fauna bonus damage, if any |
hit_effect | Effect on hitting something |
mech_damage_multiplier | Mech damage multiplier, modifies the structure damage multiplier for damage specifically against mechs. Default to 0.75 for extended mech combat gaming |
minimum_damage | Minimum damage dealt with a weapon. Applies to non-combat mechs with the secret compartment module to make them suck a little less |
precise_attacks | If the weapon has a single-target strike |
precise_weapon_damage | If we have both cleave and precise attacks, the precise may have more damage |
structure_damage_mult | Structure damage multiplier, for stuff like big ol' smashy hammers. Base structure damage multiplier for mech melee attacks is 3. |
weapon_damage | Damage the weapon will do. Note this is ADDED to the base mecha attack damage (usually) |
Var Details
If it's sharp or not
Attack sound for the weapon
Attack speed modifier for a weapon. Big weapons will have a longer delay between attacks, while smaller ones will be faster
Base armor piercing value of the weapon. This value is doubled for precise attacks
Weapons that can hit turfs, default to false because it'll be special effects maybe some time
If the weapon has an AOE attack
Effect of the cleave attack
Damage type for the weapon
Bonus deflection chance for using a melee weapon capable of blocking attacks
If we have a longer range weapon, such as a spear or whatever capable of hitting people further away, this is how much extra range it has
Fauna bonus damage, if any
Effect on hitting something
Mech damage multiplier, modifies the structure damage multiplier for damage specifically against mechs. Default to 0.75 for extended mech combat gaming
Minimum damage dealt with a weapon. Applies to non-combat mechs with the secret compartment module to make them suck a little less
If the weapon has a single-target strike
If we have both cleave and precise attacks, the precise may have more damage
Structure damage multiplier, for stuff like big ol' smashy hammers. Base structure damage multiplier for mech melee attacks is 3.
Damage the weapon will do. Note this is ADDED to the base mecha attack damage (usually)