Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details

not set

If there is a warden or HoS, we can delegate them to be able to swap alerts If not, let the officers do it Security levels

These are used by the security level subsystem. Each one of these represents a security level that a player can set.

Base type is abstract


allow_cryoAre players allowed to cryo
announcement_colorThe color of our announcement divider.
area_alarmIf the emergency lights should be activiated
custom_titleCustom title to use for announcement messages
disable_night_modeIf the alert level should disable night mode
elevating_to_announcementOur announcement when elevating to this level
elevating_to_configuration_keyOur configuration key for elevating to text, if set, will override the default elevating to announcement.
emergency_doorsIf red alert access doors should be unlocked
looping_soundThe looping sound that will be played while the security level is set
looping_sound_intervalThe looping sound interval
lowering_to_announcementOur announcement when lowering to this level
lowering_to_configuration_keyOur configuration key for lowering to text, if set, will override the default lowering to announcement.
nameThe name of this security level.
number_levelThe numerical level of this security level, see defines for more information.
pod_accessIf pods should be available for player launch
require_call_reasonRequire providing a reason for a shuttle call at this alert level
shuttle_call_time_modThe shuttle call time modification of this security level
soundThe sound that we will play when this security level is set

Var Details


Are players allowed to cryo


The color of our announcement divider.


If the emergency lights should be activiated


Custom title to use for announcement messages


If the alert level should disable night mode


Our announcement when elevating to this level


Our configuration key for elevating to text, if set, will override the default elevating to announcement.


If red alert access doors should be unlocked


The looping sound that will be played while the security level is set


The looping sound interval


Our announcement when lowering to this level


Our configuration key for lowering to text, if set, will override the default lowering to announcement.


The name of this security level.


The numerical level of this security level, see defines for more information.


If pods should be available for player launch


Require providing a reason for a shuttle call at this alert level


The shuttle call time modification of this security level


The sound that we will play when this security level is set