Vars | |
adjacent_rebuild | List of turfs to recalculate adjacent turfs on before processing |
currentrun | A cache of objects that perisists between processing runs when resumed == TRUE. Dangerous, qdel'd objects not cleared from this may cause runtimes on processing. |
equalize_enabled | Whether equalization should be enabled at all. |
equalize_hard_turf_limit | Max number of turfs to look for a space turf, and max number of turfs that will be decompressed. |
equalize_turf_limit | Max number of turfs equalization will grab. |
excited_group_pressure_goal | Excited group processing will try to equalize groups with total pressure difference less than this amount. |
heat_enabled | Whether turf-to-turf heat exchanging should be enabled. |
share_max_steps | Max number of times process_turfs will share in a tick. |
Procs | |
expand_pipeline | Rebuilds a pipeline by expanding outwards, while yielding when sane |
Var Details
List of turfs to recalculate adjacent turfs on before processing
A cache of objects that perisists between processing runs when resumed == TRUE. Dangerous, qdel'd objects not cleared from this may cause runtimes on processing.
Whether equalization should be enabled at all.
Max number of turfs to look for a space turf, and max number of turfs that will be decompressed.
Max number of turfs equalization will grab.
Excited group processing will try to equalize groups with total pressure difference less than this amount.
Whether turf-to-turf heat exchanging should be enabled.
Max number of times process_turfs will share in a tick.
Proc Details
Rebuilds a pipeline by expanding outwards, while yielding when sane