Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Movable atom overlay-based lighting component.


affected_turfsLazy list to track the turfs being affected by our light, to determine their visibility.
beamWhether we're a beam light
cast_rangeCast range for the directional cast (how far away the atom is moved)
coneA cone overlay for directional light, it's alpha and color are dependant on the light
current_directionCurrent tracked direction for the directional cast behaviour
current_holderMovable atom currently holding the light. Parent might be a flashlight, for example, but that might be held by a mob or something else.
directionalWhether we're a directional light
directional_offset_xTracks current directional x offset so we dont update unecessarily
directional_offset_yTracks current directional y offset so we dont update unecessarily
light_overlaysCache of the possible light overlays, according to size.
lum_powerHow much this light affects the dynamic_lumcount of turfs.
lumcount_rangeCeiling of range, integer without decimal entries.
overlay_lighting_flagsFor light sources that can be turned on and off.
parent_attached_toMovable atom the parent is attached to. For example, a flashlight into a helmet or gun. We'll need to track the thing the parent is attached to as if it were the parent itself.
rangeHow far the light reaches, float.
set_alphaTransparency value.
visible_maskOverlay effect to cut into the darkness and provide light.


add_dynamic_lumiAdds the luminosity and source for the affected movable atoms to keep track of their visibility.
cast_directional_lightHere we append the behavior associated to changing lum_power.
check_holderUsed to determine the new valid current_holder from the parent's loc.
clean_old_turfsClears the affected_turfs lazylist, removing from its contents the effects of being near the light.
get_new_turfsPopulates the affected_turfs lazylist, adding to its contents the effects of being near the light.
make_luminosity_updateClears the old affected turfs and populates the new ones.
on_holder_dir_changeCalled when current_holder changes loc.
on_holder_movedCalled when current_holder changes loc.
on_holder_qdelCalled when the current_holder is qdeleted, to remove the light effect.
on_light_eaterHandles putting the source for overlay lights into the light eater queue since we aren't tracked by /atom/var/light_sources
on_light_flags_changeTriggered right after the parent light flags change.
on_parent_attached_to_movedCalled when parent_attached_to changes loc.
on_parent_attached_to_qdelCalled when the current_holder is qdeleted, to remove the light effect.
on_parent_dir_changeCalled when parent changes loc.
on_parent_movedCalled when parent changes loc.
on_toggleToggles the light on and off.
remove_dynamic_lumiRemoves the luminosity and source for the affected movable atoms to keep track of their visibility.
set_colorChanges the light's color, pretty straightforward.
set_directionSets a new direction for the directional cast, then updates luminosity
set_holderCalled to change the value of current_holder.
set_lum_powerHere we append the behavior associated to changing lum_power.
set_parent_attached_toCalled to change the value of parent_attached_to.
set_powerChanges the intensity/brightness of the light by altering the visual object's alpha.
set_rangeChanges the range which the light reaches. 0 means no light, 6 is the maximum value.
turn_offToggles the light off.
turn_onToggles the light on.

Var Details


Lazy list to track the turfs being affected by our light, to determine their visibility.


Whether we're a beam light


Cast range for the directional cast (how far away the atom is moved)


A cone overlay for directional light, it's alpha and color are dependant on the light


Current tracked direction for the directional cast behaviour


Movable atom currently holding the light. Parent might be a flashlight, for example, but that might be held by a mob or something else.


Whether we're a directional light


Tracks current directional x offset so we dont update unecessarily


Tracks current directional y offset so we dont update unecessarily


Cache of the possible light overlays, according to size.


How much this light affects the dynamic_lumcount of turfs.


Ceiling of range, integer without decimal entries.


For light sources that can be turned on and off.


Movable atom the parent is attached to. For example, a flashlight into a helmet or gun. We'll need to track the thing the parent is attached to as if it were the parent itself.


How far the light reaches, float.


Transparency value.


Overlay effect to cut into the darkness and provide light.

Proc Details


Adds the luminosity and source for the affected movable atoms to keep track of their visibility.


Here we append the behavior associated to changing lum_power.


Used to determine the new valid current_holder from the parent's loc.


Clears the affected_turfs lazylist, removing from its contents the effects of being near the light.


Populates the affected_turfs lazylist, adding to its contents the effects of being near the light.


Clears the old affected turfs and populates the new ones.


Called when current_holder changes loc.


Called when current_holder changes loc.


Called when the current_holder is qdeleted, to remove the light effect.


Handles putting the source for overlay lights into the light eater queue since we aren't tracked by /atom/var/light_sources


Triggered right after the parent light flags change.


Called when parent_attached_to changes loc.


Called when the current_holder is qdeleted, to remove the light effect.


Called when parent changes loc.


Called when parent changes loc.


Toggles the light on and off.


Removes the luminosity and source for the affected movable atoms to keep track of their visibility.


Changes the light's color, pretty straightforward.


Sets a new direction for the directional cast, then updates luminosity


Called to change the value of current_holder.


Here we append the behavior associated to changing lum_power.


Called to change the value of parent_attached_to.


Changes the intensity/brightness of the light by altering the visual object's alpha.


Changes the range which the light reaches. 0 means no light, 6 is the maximum value.


Toggles the light off.


Toggles the light on.