Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Space Dragon


ai_to_spawnWhat AI mobs to spawn from this dragon's rifts
carpAll space carps created by this antagonist space dragon
maxRiftTimerMaximum amount of time which can pass without a rift before Space Dragon despawns.
minion_to_spawnWhat mob to spawn from ghosts using this dragon's rifts
objective_completeWhether or not Space Dragon has completed their objective, and thus triggered the ending sequence.
riftTimerCurrent time since the the last rift was activated. If set to -1, does not increment.
rift_abilityThe innate ability to summon rifts
rift_listA list of all of the rifts created by Space Dragon. Used for setting them all to infinite carp spawn when Space Dragon wins, and removing them when Space Dragon dies.
rifts_chargedHow many rifts have been successfully charged


destroy_riftsDestroys all of Space Dragon's current rifts.
permanant_empowerGives Space Dragon their the rift speed buff permanantly and fully heals the user.
rift_checksChecks to see if we need to do anything with the current state of the dragon's rifts.
rift_depowerRemoves Space Dragon's rift speed buff.
rift_empowerHandles Space Dragon's temporary empowerment after boosting a rift.
victorySets up Space Dragon's victory for completing the objectives.

Var Details


What AI mobs to spawn from this dragon's rifts


All space carps created by this antagonist space dragon


Maximum amount of time which can pass without a rift before Space Dragon despawns.


What mob to spawn from ghosts using this dragon's rifts


Whether or not Space Dragon has completed their objective, and thus triggered the ending sequence.


Current time since the the last rift was activated. If set to -1, does not increment.


The innate ability to summon rifts


A list of all of the rifts created by Space Dragon. Used for setting them all to infinite carp spawn when Space Dragon wins, and removing them when Space Dragon dies.


How many rifts have been successfully charged

Proc Details


Destroys all of Space Dragon's current rifts.

QDeletes all the current rifts after removing their references to other objects. Currently, the only reference they have is to the Dragon which created them, so we clear that before deleting them. Currently used when Space Dragon dies or one of his rifts is destroyed.


Gives Space Dragon their the rift speed buff permanantly and fully heals the user.

Gives Space Dragon the enraged speed buff from charging rifts permanantly. Only happens in circumstances where Space Dragon completes their objective. Also gives them a full heal.


Checks to see if we need to do anything with the current state of the dragon's rifts.

A simple update check which sees if we need to do anything based on the current state of the dragon's rifts.


Removes Space Dragon's rift speed buff.

Removes Space Dragon's speed buff from charging a rift. This is only called in rift_empower, which uses a timer to call this after 30 seconds. Also removes the red glow from Space Dragon which is synonymous with the speed buff.


Handles Space Dragon's temporary empowerment after boosting a rift.

Empowers and depowers Space Dragon after a successful rift charge. Empowered, Space Dragon regains all his health and becomes temporarily faster for 30 seconds, along with being tinted red.


Sets up Space Dragon's victory for completing the objectives.

Triggers when Space Dragon completes his objective. Calls the shuttle with a coefficient of 3, making it impossible to recall. Sets all of his rifts to allow for infinite sentient carp spawns Also plays appropiate sounds and CENTCOM messages.