Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


HALLUCINATION_ARG_TYPEWhat typepath of the hallucination
HALLUCINATION_ARG_SOURCEWhere the hallucination came from, for logging
HALLUCINATION_ARGLISTOnwards from this index, it's the arglist that gets passed into the hallucination created.
NO_HALLUCINATION_BIOTYPESBiotypes which cannot hallucinate for balance and logic reasons (not code)
cause_hallucinationCauses a hallucination of a certain type to the mob.
/proc/visible_hallucination_pulse Emits a hallucinating pulse around the passed atom. Affects everyone in the passed radius who can view the center, except for those with TRAIT_MADNESS_IMMUNE, or those who are blind.
/proc/generate_hallucination_weighted_list Generates the global weighted list of random hallucinations.
/proc/debug_hallucination_weighted_list Debug proc for getting the total weight of the random_hallucination_weighted_list
/proc/get_random_valid_hallucination_subtype Gets a random subtype of the passed hallucination type that has a random_hallucination_weight > 0. If no subtype is passed, it will get any random hallucination subtype that is not abstract and has weight > 0. This can be used instead of picking from the global weighted list to just get a random valid hallucination.
/proc/select_hallucination_type Helper to give the passed mob the ability to select a hallucination from the list of all hallucination subtypes.
/proc/create_delusion Helper to give the passed mob the ability to create a delusion hallucination (even a custom one). Returns a list of arguments - pass these to _cause_hallucination to cause the desired hallucination
BUBBLEGUM_HALLUCINATION_LINESLines the bubblegum hallucinatoin uses when it pops up

Define Details


Lines the bubblegum hallucinatoin uses when it pops up


Onwards from this index, it's the arglist that gets passed into the hallucination created.


Where the hallucination came from, for logging


What typepath of the hallucination


Biotypes which cannot hallucinate for balance and logic reasons (not code)


Causes a hallucination of a certain type to the mob.

First argument is always the type of halllucination, a /datum/hallucination, required. second argument is always the key source of the hallucination, used for admin logging, required.

Additionally, named arguments are supported for passing them forward to the created hallucination's new().