Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


BELLIGERENT_EYEUse this for offensive and damaging scripture!
VANGUARD_COGWHEELUse this for defensive and healing scripture!
GEIS_CAPACITORUse this for niche scripture!
HIEROPHANT_ANSIBLEUse this for construction-related scripture!
MAX_CLOCKWORK_POWERThe max power in W that the cult can stockpile
SCRIPT_UNLOCK_THRESHOLDScripts will unlock if the total power reaches this amount
APPLICATION_UNLOCK_THRESHOLDApplications will unlock if the total powre reaches this amount
MIN_CLOCKCULT_POWERthe minimum amount of power clockcult machines will handle gracefully
CLOCKCULT_POWER_UNITstandard power amount for replica fabricator costs
POWER_STANDARDhow much power is in anything else; doesn't matter as much as the following
POWER_FLOORhow much power is in a clockwork floor, determines the cost of clockwork floor production
POWER_WALL_MINUS_FLOORhow much power is in a clockwork wall, determines the cost of clockwork wall production
POWER_GEARhow much power is in a wall gear, minus the brass from the wall
POWER_WALL_TOTALhow much power is in a clockwork wall and the floor under it
POWER_RODhow much power is in one rod
POWER_METALhow much power is in one sheet of metal
POWER_PLASTEELhow much power is in one sheet of plasteel
GATEWAY_SUMMON_RATEthe time amount the Gateway to the Celestial Derelict gets each process tick; defaults to 1 per tick
GATEWAY_REEBE_FOUNDwhen progress is at or above this, the gateway finds reebe and begins drawing power
GATEWAY_RATVAR_COMINGwhen progress is at or above this, ratvar has entered and is coming through the gateway
GATEWAY_RATVAR_ARRIVALwhen progress is at or above this, game over ratvar's here everybody go home
CLOCKCULT_OBJECTIVEObjective text define
SUPERHEATED_CLOCKWORK_WALL_LIMITHow many walls can be superheated at once
SIGIL_ACCESS_RANGErange at which transmission sigils can access power
FABRICATOR_REPAIR_PER_TICKhow much a fabricator repairs each tick, and also how many deciseconds each tick is
OCULAR_WARDEN_EXCLUSION_RANGEthe range at which ocular wardens cannot be placed near other ocular wardens
CLOCKWORK_ARMOR_COOLDOWNThe cooldown period between summoning suits of clockwork armor
RATVARIAN_SPEAR_COOLDOWNThe cooldown period between summoning another Ratvarian spear
MARAUDER_SCRIPTURE_SCALING_THRESHOLDThe amount of deciseconds that must pass before marauder scripture will not gain a recital penalty
MARAUDER_SCRIPTURE_SCALING_TIMEThe amount of extra deciseconds tacked on to the marauder scripture recital time per recent marauder
MARAUDER_SCRIPTURE_SCALING_MAXThe maximum extra time applied to the marauder scripture
ARK_SCREAM_COOLDOWNThis much time has to pass between instances of the Ark taking damage before it will "scream" again
SERVANT_HARDMODE_PERCENTThe percent of servant over living players before they enter hardmode and have a warp penalty on non-clockwork tiles

Define Details


Applications will unlock if the total powre reaches this amount


This much time has to pass between instances of the Ark taking damage before it will "scream" again


Use this for offensive and damaging scripture!


Objective text define


standard power amount for replica fabricator costs


The cooldown period between summoning suits of clockwork armor


how much a fabricator repairs each tick, and also how many deciseconds each tick is


when progress is at or above this, game over ratvar's here everybody go home


when progress is at or above this, ratvar has entered and is coming through the gateway


when progress is at or above this, the gateway finds reebe and begins drawing power


the time amount the Gateway to the Celestial Derelict gets each process tick; defaults to 1 per tick


Use this for niche scripture!


Use this for construction-related scripture!


The maximum extra time applied to the marauder scripture


The amount of deciseconds that must pass before marauder scripture will not gain a recital penalty


The amount of extra deciseconds tacked on to the marauder scripture recital time per recent marauder


The max power in W that the cult can stockpile


the minimum amount of power clockcult machines will handle gracefully


the range at which ocular wardens cannot be placed near other ocular wardens


how much power is in a clockwork floor, determines the cost of clockwork floor production


how much power is in a wall gear, minus the brass from the wall


how much power is in one sheet of metal


how much power is in one sheet of plasteel


how much power is in one rod


how much power is in anything else; doesn't matter as much as the following


how much power is in a clockwork wall, determines the cost of clockwork wall production


how much power is in a clockwork wall and the floor under it


The cooldown period between summoning another Ratvarian spear


Scripts will unlock if the total power reaches this amount


The percent of servant over living players before they enter hardmode and have a warp penalty on non-clockwork tiles


range at which transmission sigils can access power


How many walls can be superheated at once


Use this for defensive and healing scripture!