Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


ACID_POWER_MELT_TURFThe acid power required to destroy most closed turfs.
OBJ_ACID_DAMAGE_MAXThe maximum amount of damage (per tick) acid can deal to an /obj. The maximum amount of damage (per second) acid can deal to an /obj.
OBJ_ACID_VOLUME_MAXMaximum acid volume that can be applied to an /obj.
MOB_ACID_VOLUME_MAXMaximum acid volume that can be applied to a /mob/living.
TURF_ACID_VOLUME_MAXMaximum acid volume that can be applied to a /turf.
ACID_DECAY_BASEThe constant factor for the acid decay rate.
ACID_DECAY_SCALINGThe scaling factor for the acid decay rate.
ACID_OVERLAY_DEFAULTThe default icon state for the acid overlay. Not to be confused with the error icon state.
ACID_LEVEL_HANDBURNThe combined acid power and acid volume required to burn hands.

Define Details


The constant factor for the acid decay rate.


The scaling factor for the acid decay rate.


The combined acid power and acid volume required to burn hands.


The default icon state for the acid overlay. Not to be confused with the error icon state.


The acid power required to destroy most closed turfs.


Maximum acid volume that can be applied to a /mob/living.


The maximum amount of damage (per tick) acid can deal to an /obj. The maximum amount of damage (per second) acid can deal to an /obj.


Maximum acid volume that can be applied to an /obj.


Maximum acid volume that can be applied to a /turf.